YukiHunt is

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What is YukiHunt?

If you like games, puzzles, or mysteries, you will love YukiHunt. We are a tutorial website for beginner puzzlers who have never experienced a puzzle hunt before. Learn the basics by playing tutorial puzzles and building up your toolbox to prep yourself for a real hunt, like MIT Mystery Hunt, Galactic Puzzle Hunt, or Puzzle Potluck, among many others!

What are these “Puzzles”?

In a typical puzzle, you are given some information but not really told what to do, and the goal is to extract an answer (almost always a word or short phrase) through inductive logical reasoning, lots of Googling, and the Power of Friendship™.

Puzzles may take the shape of familiar things, such as crosswords or word searches, but it is rarely ever that straightforward. A crossword puzzle may only give you the clues and require you to create the grid yourself. A word search puzzle may tell you what words to find… and leave you wondering what to do next, now that you’ve circled all the words. Puzzle writers love finding new and creative ways to twist, destroy, and rebuild the rules. Good puzzles thrive off of strong yet complex logical connections that give you a shot of dopamine when you get that “a-ha!” moment — and that’s why we’re all addicted to puzzles.

What is a “Puzzle Hunt”?

A puzzle hunt is an event — either online, in-person, or both — where teams race against each other to finish a series of puzzles. In most hunts, there are one or more “rounds” of puzzles that culminate in a "meta puzzle" — a puzzle that requires you to utilize the answers from previous puzzles in order to solve them. For larger hunts, there can even be "metametas" (a.k.a. "supermetas") that use the answers from multiple meta puzzles.

Where Do I Start?

First, register an account to keep track of your progress. Solve each tutorial puzzle as you unlock it, and you will gain access to new tools that will help you solve more puzzles. These tools are concepts and mechanics you will often see in real puzzle hunts, so when you finish the hunt you will have the fundamentals down pat and be ready to try a hunt or two with your own team!

Have more questions? Visit our FAQ page, or send us an email at yuki.puzzle.hunt@gmail.com.